- Market overview, insight, and analysis from the CIS team.
- Two live audio market comments with trade guidance.
- Broadcasts can be sent to your phone.
- Educational Comments.
- Trading Advisory System.
- PriceCounts
- Weekend PriceCount Publication

CIS Audio Market Insights
Phone Call Sample
Price Perceptions
- A weekly publication devoted to those who trade for large moves
- Primary emphasis on fundamental and economic market research
- Technical analysis as it relates to the fundamental outlook
- Graphics, charts and tables with clearly stated conclusions
- Original fundamental research constructed the old fashioned way
- Special research features that take fundamental analysis “past the obvious”

Not about where prices have been, but where they might be going.
- Sunday afternoon weekly edition of PriceCounts
- Specific trade guidelines and trade recommendations
- PriceCounts portal with delayed market prices with the PriceCounts indicator
- Newsletter with the following market segments:
- Grains
- Meats/Softs
- Energy